In Course3 week1, Kevin give me a schema of what should developper do from beginning.

There are so many subjects I’ve heard but not ever practicing in action, like: TDD, git flow(github flow), why test…etc.

I like the concept Red-Green-Refactor, it forced developper thinking about what you should do first. This may be argued by some experienced engineer, because they can do these works naturally.

But followed by Red-Green-Refactor, seeing green light really makes me feel comfortable. I can’t stop thinking about how it’d become easier if I could use this method when developping AI for TicTacToe. Testing game logic in TicTacToe manually costs me lots of time.

Git flow/ GitHub flow is also my first time to taste. I think this should be fun to start communicate with other programmers through pull request. Glad that Tealeaf built an environment to let us feel like we are really in work.

Matthew also metioned about this I should care about: Why should files end with a newline.

I also find a blog post talking about Red-Green-Refactor, the author split the process into 5 steps: Think, Red, Green, Refactor, Repeat, and called this code design process. :-)